Producing 100% pure and natural Texas Cedarwood oil at the source.

Sustainability lies at the heart of our operation.


Our mission is to provide the highest quality cedarwood essential oil while maintaining our commitment to renewable energy and to the preservation of local ecosystems.

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Juniperus mexicana is estimated to be spread across nearly 18 million acres in Texas alone.

This particular species is found in lesser densities all the way to California. The invasion and growth of native Juniper species is one of the most prevalent problems in maintaining existing suitable habitats throughout the species’ range in Texas. Natural Juniper propagation (by seed) has caused a serious infestation and cancellation of cattle-grazing lands and rangeland habitats throughout much of the cattle breeding industry in Texas and Oklahoma.

In addition, geologists have concluded that intense Cedar growth tends to deplete the aquifer serving major cities of the area who draw on well water. For this reason, Cedar clearing is largely encouraged by local authorities.

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Pax Energy Usage

Texas Cedarwood oil, while readily available as one of the largest volume essential oils in the world, is fully sustainable and renewable given the huge area of the natural Cedar forest in the Edwards Plateau of Central Texas.

We use our spent distillation material (finely ground up cedarwood) as biomass fuel to generate steam as opposed to using fossil fuels, while producing zero toxic emissions and only good carbon CO2.


Pax has been an integral part of the Junction, Texas community for over 60 years and will continue uphold its legacy of Cedarwood distillation for years to come.

Join our production team today.


Join our team today and help us supply the fragrance industry with one of the most desired natural ingredients on the market.